This product has reached end of life. Please take a look at the similar active Graphic OLED Displays.

128x22 Parallel Graphic OLED [EOL]

Part Number: CFAL12822A-Y-B1

This 128x22 graphic OLED Display module is less than one inch high overall, and is vibrant in its appearance. Very thin and extremely aesthetically pleasing, this display is suitable for any number of applications where power consumption and overall depth both need to be minimized.

This version of the display mates with standard 0.5mm 24 pin ZIF sockets such as OR721CT-ND, OR709CT-ND and OR877CT-ND.

Not recommended for new designs. Available in small quantities only.

  • 128x22 graphic OLED display module
  • 3v logic levels
  • Extremely wide viewing angles
  • Very high contrast ratio
  • Built-in Solomon SSD1305 or compatible controller
  • 8-bit parallel interface or SPI Interface
  • RoHS Compliant
While we do not offer any direct replacements for this product, perhaps one of our many other CFAL displays will fit your needs. Feel free to contact our tech support team to get assistance in finding the right display.

Part Change Notice

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    Part Change Notice #10344: This part will soon be End of Life and no longer available. There is no cross reference or substitute part.
    Products Affected: CFAL12822A-Y-B, CFAL12864L-Y-B2, CFAL12864L-G-B2, CFAL12864L-Y-B4, CFAL12864L-G-B4, CFAL12822A-Y-B1, CFAL12864S-Y-B1, CFAL160128B-F-B2, CFAL12832C-B-B1
    Date Issued: April 21, 2011
    Summary: This part will soon be End of Life and no longer available. There is no cross reference or substitute part.
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    Part Change Notice #10284: CFAL12822A series of OLED module improvements
    Products Affected: CFAL12822A-Y-B, CFAL12822A-Y-B1
    Date Issued: August 23, 2010
    Summary: CFAL12822A series of OLED module improvements
    Description: The panel has been reduced in size from 65mm x 23.5mm to 63.3mm x 20.8mm. For the CFAL12822A-Y-B1, there has been added a carrier to bring the overall dimensions to 64.8mm x 23.5mm.

    The CFAL12822A-Y-B1 now has a driving voltage of 12v instead of 14v, and the brightness has increased from 80cd/m² to 100cd/m².

    Improvements in the organic material design has also increased the efficiency of the CFAL12822A series.

    Lifetime of CFAL12822A series is increased from 10,000 hours to 50% brightness to 20,000 hours to 50% brightness.

    The shape but not length or pitch of the FPC tail on the CFAL12822A-Y-B1 module has also changed.
    Reason: Manufacturing improvements.
    Impact: In the initialization for the module, a change will need to be made for command Set Lower Column Start Address from 0x10+0 to 0x10+4.
    Price Change: N/A
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    Part Change Notice #10026: * Wherever listed, corrected specification of overall module depth in inches. Module dimensions did not change. - Changed maximum from “0.89” to “0.09” inches. - Changed nominal from “0.85” to “0.08” inches. * Fixed broken cross-reference for Absolute Maximum Ratings (Pg. 15). * Corrected mention of “TFT” to “OLED” in APPENDIX C: OLED MODULE TERMS AND SYMBOLS (Pg. 31).
    Product Affected: CFAL12822A-Y-B1
    Date Issued: December 21, 2009
    Summary: * Wherever listed, corrected specification of overall module depth in inches. Module dimensions did not change.
    - Changed maximum from “0.89” to “0.09” inches.
    - Changed nominal from “0.85” to “0.08” inches.

    * Fixed broken cross-reference for Absolute Maximum Ratings (Pg. 15).

    * Corrected mention of “TFT” to “OLED” in APPENDIX C: OLED MODULE TERMS AND SYMBOLS (Pg. 31).
    Last revision: 1.0
    Description: Datasheet changes
    Reason: Correct accuracy
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    Part Change Notice #10023: Datasheet changes
    Product Affected: CFAL12822A-Y-B1
    Date Issued: November 24, 2009
    Summary: Datasheet changes
    Description: * In Physical Characteristics (previously “General Specifications”):
    o Corrected “Viewing Area” height from “13.7” to “13.85” millimeters. Viewing Area is unchanged and was correct in the 2009/04/13 Contour Drawing of the Preliminary version. It was just in the General Specifications table that it was wrong.
    o Changed “Module Dimension” height from “23.5” millimeters (which is OLED panel height) to “33.52” (OLED panel plus FFC fold) and “59.50” (OLED panel with FFC unfolded).
    o Expanded “Module Dimension” depth description from “2.15” to nominal depth “2.15” and maximum depth “2.25” millimeters.
    * In Absolute Maximum Ratings:
    o Changed Vlogic (Logic Supply Voltage) minimum from “-0.3v” to “2.4v’.
    * In DC Characteristics, slight change in Vih specification from “+2.4v” to “+2.64v”.
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