This product is discontinued and has been replaced by CFAL12864N-A-B4

[EOL] Two-Color 128x64 SPI Graphic OLED

Part Number: CFAL12864N-A-B1

A 128 x 64 graphic OLED module with two separate areas of color: yellow for the top 16 pixels, and blue for the bottom 48 pixels. This graphic OLED is super low power, using less than 90 mW with all pixels lit. Displays like this can be used in MP3 players, as secondary screens in mobile phones, placed on the end of a blade or hard drive enclosure -- the sky is the limit.

  • 128x64 graphic OLED display module.
  • With a small form factor, display diagonal is only .96-inch.
  • Two color areas on the display: yellow for the top 16 pixels and blue for the bottom 8 pixels.
  • Built-in Solomon Systech SSD1306 controller. See the controller datasheet here.
  • Interface choices: 8-bit parallel, 3 or 4 wire SPI, and I2C.
  • Extremely wide viewing angle is great for handheld devices.
  • Very high contrast ratio.
  • RoHS compliant and manufactured by an ISO certified facility.

This module is engineered for high volume production. It uses a "TAB" (tape automated bonding) or "COF" (chip on flex) style flex tail mated with a "COG" (chip on glass) display. The TAB connector is soldered directly to corresponding pads on your PCB using a hot-bar soldering machine. High volume contract manufacturers will be familiar with this type of construction and its assembly methods. Hot-bar soldering machines designed for prototype, rework or repair of TAB connections are available from equipment suppliers at reasonable cost. The TAB style connection requires no separate connector, so the cost is very low, and the ultra-thin profile of the display is maintained.

Because this is quickly evolving, cutting edge technology, there may be fit, form or function variances between manufacturing lots.

Part Change Notice

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  • text_snippet
    Part Change Notice #10013: Datasheet correction
    Product Affected: CFAL12864N-A-B1
    Date Issued: March 4, 2009
    Summary: Datasheet correction
    Description: Corrected error in Circuit Example – Externally Supplied VPANEL (Pg. 11). Drawing incorrectly showed a direct connection between GND and VLOGIC.
    Reason: Suggested creating a short by design from power to ground, resulting in the failure of the display.
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