Part Number: DMOG19264D-YYH
Our CFA10006 graphic display demonstration board with CFAG19264D-YYH-VN display module installed.
The display is a critical component in any project, impacting every aspect of your design. In addition, the display is the most prominent and visible component of any finished product, and as such, must be evaluated and approved by not only the mechanical design team, but marketing and management as well.
Our ready-to-use development kits provide you with a plug and play solution to explore all aspects of a display. All development kits ship loaded with demonstration scripts to provide a complete working example of the displays. You can easily create your own demonstrations by loading your own scripts and images onto the included microSD card, allowing you to create your own test screens, or load mockups of user interfaces to show how a display will function in your product.
These kits not only empower, but also provide flexibility to your engineering departments, allowing them to have a hands-on, working display during the design phase. This, along with datasheets, schematics, and Eagle CAD files(available below) give your team everything they need to know about the display early in your product's development.
Each demo board is pre-programmed with a microSD boot loader, which can load our demonstration scripts, the miniBASIC interpreter, or your own application built with AVRStudio or WinAVR (both free) for this board's versatile ATMEGA2561. Use the JTAG port for more advanced programming and debugging. We have brought out all the ports to 0.1" centers. Since these demonstration boards are both powerful and convenient, they can be even used as a base development platform for your project.