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CFA10036 Breakout Board

Part Number: CFA10037

This carrier board is designed specifically for use with our CFA10036 module, giving you quick and easy access to all the input/output pins.

The CFA10037 ships with a 110VAC, +5v / 1.0A power supply

Latest disk image releases here:

The CFA10037 gives access to all the port pins of the CFA10036, and by extension the port pins of the i.MX28. It also has a prototype area with solid power distribution. All of this is offered in a prototype-friendly 0.1" center format. We made a set of holes that line up with shields designed for an Arduino Uno R3.

By using 0.1" center headers and socketed hook-up wire, you can connect any of the pins on the CFA10036 to any location on the prototype area.
We did give you a hand with the Ethernet PHY and USB A connector, since those will commonly be used, and their PCB layout can be fussy.
For serious hardware-level debugging, signals are brought out for connection to a compatible JTAG debugger

Part Change Notice

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  • text_snippet
    Product Update #10588: R_MDIO needs populated with a 1.5K resistor
    Products Affected: CFA10037, CFA921-TS, CFA920-TS
    Date Issued: May 22, 2014
    Summary: R_MDIO needs populated with a 1.5K resistor
    Description: R_MDIO needs populated with a 1.5K resistor so that the device gets properly set up by Linux on start-up.
    Reason: MDIO times out before it can be detected.
    Recommendation: 1. Install 1.5k pull-up to R_MDIO.


    2. Use kernel version cfa-3.12.17, commit ID 2cbfe6e36266b82daac0a9e9aa92e0706e306411


    Please make sure you use the commit above if you decide to use this method.
  • text_snippet
    Product Update #10584: The Linux SOM family has had a kernel and a build update.
    Products Affected: CFA-10036, CFA10037, CFA10055-8, CFA10056-4, CFA921-TS, CFA920-TS
    Date Issued: April 28, 2014
    Summary: The Linux SOM family has had a kernel and a build update.

    Description: Linux kernel update and build update.
    Recommendation: To access the new build please visit:
  • text_snippet
    Product Update #10571: The CFA-10036 modules have been updated to include a heat shield to provide better thermal cooling for the i.MX28 processor.
    Products Affected: CFA-10036, CFA10037, CFA921-TS, CFA920-TS
    Date Issued: October 30, 2013
    Summary: The CFA-10036 modules have been updated to include a heat shield to provide better thermal cooling for the i.MX28 processor.
    Reason: To provide more efficient thermal cooling for the i.MX28 processor.
  • text_snippet
    Product Update #10552: (New Product) CFA10037
    New Product: CFA10037
    Date Issued: October 25, 2013
    Summary: (New Product) CFA10037
    Description: Development Kit / Demonstration Board: Carrier Board designed for CFA10036
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