This product has reached end of life. We suggest the CFAP200200A1-0154 as a possible replacement.

ePaper Display - 1.54" Black & White

Part Number: CFAP200200A0-0154

This black and white 200x200 epaper display module is a perfect size for small, low-power electronic shelf labels. Once the epaper's eink image is shown, it remains visible with zero additional power!

Built-in voltage generation requires only a few external components. Ultra thin with a depth of 1.05mm and weight of only 4 grams, epaper has a clear advantage over other display technologies for small handheld battery-operated devices or devices powered by solar. Epaper displays are growing rapidly in popularity and can be scanned by barcode readers.

  • Wide viewing angle makes the display easily readable from all directions.
  • Supports 4 wire SPI for communications
  • Sunlight Readable! Displays reflect light like ordinary paper, making them easy to read in direct sunlight.
  • Bi-stable image displays without any flickering.
  • Supports partial screen updates
  • Long lifetime: ~5 years / ~1M updates.

Use our sample code in the files section to display your own images. Our open-source demonstration code runs directly on a low cost Seeeduino v4.2 (3.3v Arduino clone) .

Part Change Notice

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  • text_snippet
    Product Update #10708: (New Product) CFAP200200A0-0154
    New Product: CFAP200200A0-0154
    Date Issued: June 24, 2016
    Summary: (New Product) CFAP200200A0-0154
    Description: ePaper: ePaper 1.54" Graphic Display, 200x200, Black & White