
5.83 inch ePaper display

Part Number: CFAP600448A0-0583

Looking for an ePaper display for your Arduino? This one will work with Arduino, Seeeduino or any others that are based on the Arduino platform.

Large, high-contrast ePaper display in black and white. This 600x448 epd screen is perfect for applications that require very little power and don't need to refresh very often, such as name tags, electronic shelf labels, or any other semi-permanent labeling.

The only time this eink display needs power, is when you're updating the screen; otherwise, you can literally disconnect it from its power source and it will continue to show your image on-screen.

*This ePaper display module does not support partial updates.

Adapter / Breakout Board
Want to get this display up and running quickly with an Arduino or Seeeduino? We have this ePaper Adapter Board that makes connecting our ePaper simple and fast.

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Quantity Price
1 $74.36
10 $64.65
20 $62.26
50 * $59.88
100 * $59.40
200 * $58.90
500 * $58.43
1000 * $57.95
* Pricing is subject to change.
Contact us about potential lead times.
Other components worth considering
4518 ePaper Adapter Board
Faster development $11.68 ea.
4626 24 Position, 0.5mm Pitch, Gold, FCC FPC ZIF Connector
Add 5 ZIF Connectors $0.97 ea.

Additional Options

Add an ePaper adapter board or an Arduino based controller board already assembled and save some valuable development time.
5.83 inch ePaper Arduino Development Kit
Part Number: CFAP600448A0-E2-2
Quantity 1
Price $113.71
5.83" ePaper with Adapter Board
Part Number: CFAP600448A0-E2-1
Quantity 1 10 20 50 * 100 * 200 * 500 * 1000 *
Price $83.58 $72.68 $72.09 $71.52 $70.94 $70.36 $69.77 $69.59

Additional Resources

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