1.54" 200x200 Square ePaper Display
Part Number: CFAP200200A5-0154
This black and white square 200x200 pixel ePaper display module is a perfect size for small, low-power electronic shelf labels. EPD/ePaper displays are bi-stable, meaning once an image is displayed on the ePaper, it remains visible even when the display is disconnected from power.This display module includes built-in voltage generation, requiring only a few external components, or check out our ePaper Adapter Board that handles the external components.
Ultra-thin, light weight, and low power, ePaper has a clear advantage over other display technologies for small handheld battery-operated devices or devices powered by solar. Epaper displays are growing rapidly in popularity and can be scanned by barcode readers. That makes this square display a great choice for displaying a QR code.
- Wide viewing angle makes the display easily readable from all directions.
- Supports 3 or 4 wire SPI for communications
- Sunlight Readable! Displays reflect light like ordinary paper, making them easy to read in direct sunlight.
- Bi-stable image displays without any flickering.
- Supports partial screen updates
- Long lifetime: ~5 years / ~1M updates.
- Very fast updates ~2sec for a full screen update
Part Number:
CFA - Crystalfontz America
P - ePaper display
200200 - 200x200 pixel resolution
A5 - family and revision (this part replaces the CFAP200200A30154)
0154 - 1.54" diagonal
Other components worth considering
Additional Options
Purchase this display with an adapter board or in a complete development kit to speed up your prototyping .Additional Resources
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Product Update #11186: 1.54" 200x200 Square ePaper Display is available for sale.
New Product: CFAP200200A5-0154 Date Issued: March 14, 2023 Summary: 1.54" 200x200 Square ePaper Display is available for sale. Description: CFAP200200A5-0154 has been released on our website ( and is now available for sale. Orders can be placed directly from our website or by submitting a purchase order to Contact for any technical questions.