RS232 16x2 Character Module
Part Number: CFA632-YDI-KS
Full-swing RS-232 serial, 16x2 character LCD module, RoHS / REACH Compliant, Yellow-Green LED Backlight, FFSTN Negative (Black), Transmissive -20°C to +70°C operation, 6:00 viewing angle.
Large easy-to-read LCD in a compact size can display 16 characters x 2 lines. Overall module size is 108.00 mm width x 42.00 mm height x 19.90 mm depth (4.25" x 1.65" x 0.78"). Character height is 7.30 mm (0.29").
- The CFA632 can use any of SIX interfaces on any CFA632 module by simply changing the interface selection using a command setting and making the appropriate jumper configurations.
- Optional PC CDROM mounting bracket with overlay for a single bay is available after adding a display module to cart. Mounting dimensions are 5.25" (W) x 1" (H).
- Adjustable contrast. The module’s default contrast value will be acceptable for many applications. If necessary, you can adjust the contrast by using control command.
- Extended voltage (9-15 volts for interfaces using DB9 connector) and 5 volts power inputs standard for the controller. Backlight is 5 volts only.
- Use the nonvolatile memory capability (EEPROM) to customize the “power-on” display settings.
Product Variations
Interfaces | SPII2CLogic Level Serial InvertedLogic Level SerialUSBRS232 |
Colors | Dark on Yellow-Green Yellow-Green LED BacklightYellow-Green on Dark Yellow-Green LED Backlight |
Part Change Notices
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Part Change Notice #11226: Change to ENIG from Gold Plating
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Part Change Notice #11048: We are no longer including the extra male connector that comes with the cable
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Part Change Notice #10658: Deprecation of "Drive Bay Kit Configurator" / New part numbers for drive bay kits.
Products Affected: CFA631-RMF-KU1, CFA631-RMF-KU2, CFA631-RMF-KU, CFA633-YYB-KS, CFA633-TMC-KS, CFA633-RMC-KS, CFA633-YYB-KU, CFA633-TMC-KU, CFA633-RMC-KU, CFA635-YYE-KS, CFA635-TMF-KS, CFA635-TFE-KS, CFA635-TMF-KL, CFA635-TFE-KL, CFA631-TMF-KU, CFA635-TFE-KU, CFA635-YYE-KL, CFA635-TMF-KU, CFA635-YYE-KU, DS635-AL, DS635-BG, DS635-BK, DS635-AK, CFA533-YYH-KS, CFA533-YYH-KU, CFA533-TMI-KS, CFA533-TMI-KU, CFA533-YYH-KL, CFA533-TMI-KL, CFA533-YYH-KC, CFA533-TMI-KC, CFA533-YYH-KI, CFA633-YYH-KS, CFA633-TMI-KS, CFA633-YYH-KU, CFA633-TMI-KU, CFA632-YFH-KS, CFA632-YDI-KS, CFA632-YFH-KU, CFA632-YDI-KU, CFA634-TFH-KS, CFA634-TMI-KS, CFA634-YFH-KS, CFA634-YDI-KS, CFA634-TFH-KU, CFA634-TMI-KU, CFA634-YFH-KU, CFA634-YDI-KU, CFA633-RDI-KU, CFA633-RDI-KS, CFA533-TFH-KU, CFA533-TFH-KS, CFA633-TFH-KU, CFA633-TFH-KS, CFA533-TFH-KL, CFA533-TFH-KC, CFA735-TFK-KR, CFA735-TFK-KT, CFA735-TML-KR, CFA735-TML-KT, CFA735-YYK-KR, CFA735-YYK-KT, CFA631-RMF-KU32, CFA631-RMF-KU128, CFA631-RMF-KU160, CFA631-RMF-KU33, CFA631-RMF-KU129, CFA631-RMF-KU161, CFA631-RMF-KU-162, CFA632-YDI-KL, CFA632-YDI-KN, CFA632-YDI-KC, CFA632-YDI-KP, CFA632-YFH-KL, CFA632-YFH-KN, CFA632-YFH-KC, CFA632-YFH-KP, CFA634-YDI-KC, CFA634-TMI-KC, CFA634-YFH-KC, CFA634-TFH-KC, CFA634-YFH-KL, CFA634-TFH-KL, CFA634-TMI-KL, CFA634-YDI-KL, CFA634-TFH-KP, CFA634-YFH-KP, CFA634-TMI-KP, CFA634-YDI-KP, CFA634-TFH-KN, CFA634-YFH-KN, CFA634-TMI-KN, CFA634-YDI-KN, CFA631P-TMF-KU Date Issued: July 1, 2015 Summary: Deprecation of "Drive Bay Kit Configurator" / New part numbers for drive bay kits. Description: Starting August 1, 2015 the "Drive Bay Kit Configurator" located at will no longer be functional for ordering one of our Serial or USB displays (CFA533, CFA631, CFA632, CFA633, CFA634, CFA635, and CFA735) in a bracket or SLED. This functionality is being moved to the Customize and Add to Cart process when checking out. This will allow for further customization by our customers to better fit their needs.
This change will eliminate the current "kits", but will add options not previously available such as pre-configured ATX functionality, and ALL the currently available interfaces will be orderable in a drive bay bracket or SLED.
The new part numbers will have the bracket / SLED and overlay type as a PREFIX to the configured part number. The choice for bracket / SLED to a display order will be via the cart options. Our CFA835 displays were introduced with these configuration options.
To see how the new options will look, and what the new part numbers will look like, please see one of our CFA835 parts:
NOTE: The SLED is only available for the CFA635, CFA735, and CFA835 products.
Reason: As part of our continuous improvement process, we are integrating the ordering of displays in drive bay and SLED kits as part of the display ordering process. Impact: Drive bay kits in their current configuration will no longer be available. Recommendation: Place orders prior to 2015-08-01 for upcoming production needs via our website or by contacting our logistics department via email:, or by calling 1-888-206-9720 (International call +1-509-892-1200).
After the 2015-08-01, please contact our engineering department via to assist you with ordering your bracket / SLED kits.
Availability: Starting 2015-08-01, the bracket and SLED options for our serial and USB display will be part of the ordering process for the displays Price Change: Pricing bracket / SLED configurations will reflect manufacturing costs. - text_snippet
Part Change Notice #10650: CFA634 Firmware update
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Part Change Notice #10649: CFA632 Firmware update
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Part Change Notice #10579: Reverted the SPI functionality to Crystalfontz CFA632 legacy implementation.
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Product Update #10493: New pricing for CFA632 family effective 2013-07-01
Products Affected: CFA632-YFH-KS, CFA632-YDI-KS, CFA632-YFH-KU, CFA632-YDI-KU Date Issued: May 17, 2013 Summary: New pricing for CFA632 family effective 2013-07-01 Description: PCN #10452 announced the new v3.3 hardware version for CFA632 family of modules:
Pricing at the time of the PCN was issued was published as TBD. This update notices publishes pricing for the CFA632 family of modules effective 2013-07-01Impact: All CFA632 based parts. Availability: New pricing is effective orders placed on 2013-07-01 or later. Price Change: - - Effective 2013-07-01 - -
1 + : US$42.00
10 + : US$38.20
20 + : US$36.30
50 + : US$34.40
100 + : US$32.50
200 + : US$30.60
500 + : US$28.70
1000 + : US$26.80
1 + : US$43.00
10 + : US$39.20
20 + : US$37.20
50 + : US$35.30
100 + : US$33.30
200 + : US$31.40
500 + : US$29.50
1000 + : US$27.50 - text_snippet
Part Change Notice #10453: New v3.2 firmware to support CFA632 hardware v3.3 family of module
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Part Change Notice #10452: New v3.3 hardware version for CFA632 family of modules.
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Part Change Notice #10317: Minor PCB revision to accommodate longer life MLCC capacitors. Hardware and firmware updating to v2.4.
Products Affected: CFA632-NFG-KS, CFA632-YFH-KS, CFA632-YDI-KS, CFA632-NFG-KU, CFA632-YFH-KU, CFA632-YDI-KU Date Issued: February 1, 2011 Summary: Minor PCB revision to accommodate longer life MLCC capacitors. Hardware and firmware updating to v2.4. Last revision: Hardware v2.2, Firmware v2.2 Description: In a continuation of product improvement the CFA632 series has the following improvements:
- PCB changes to accommodate MLCC capacitors. This hardware revision to v2.4 impacts C7, C3, and C4.
- The firmware will be updated to v2.4 to reflect the new hardware version. No other changes to the firmware are being made.
Minor PCB revision to v2.4 to accommodate longer life MLCC capacitors. Firmware will be updated to v2.4 reflect hardware version.Reason: Manufacturing improvements allow for building the CFA632 series with MLCC capacitors. The MLCC have a longer life than the electrolytic capacitors currently being used. Impact: The new version is designed to be Fit, Form, and Function compatible with previous versions of the CFA632 series.
Please see the previous PCN form physical differences from previous versions: Engineering samples should be available by the end of Quarter 1, 2011. Please send an email to to work with our engineering and support team to assist you with the migration. Availability: Volume availability Second Quarter 2011. Price Change: The CFA632 series has incurred a slight pricing increase. - text_snippet
Product Update #10311: New Product in Intelligent Serial LCD Modules: CFA632-YDI-KS
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Part Change Notice #10307: Update CFA632 series to firmware v2.2 and wide temperature LCD.
Products Affected: CFA632-YMC-KS, CFA632-NFA-KS, CFA632-YFB-KU, CFA632-YMC-KU, CFA632-NFA-KU, CFA632-NFG-KS, CFA632-YFH-KS, CFA632-YDI-KS, CFA632-NFG-KU, CFA632-YFH-KU, CFA632-YDI-KU Date Issued: January 10, 2011 Summary: Update CFA632 series to firmware v2.2 and wide temperature LCD. Last revision: Hardware v2.2, Firmware v2.0 Description: In a continuation of product improvement the CFA632 series has the following improvements:
- Wide temperature support with -20°C to +70°C operation / -30°C to +80°C storage
- The bezel changed from black painted metal to stainless steel. Stainless steel has lower environmental impact and improves ESD protection. If your design has the bezel exposed, it will show the silver color of the stainless steel rather than the previous painted black bezel.
- The previous CFA632-YMC-KS and CFA632-YMC-KU (new CFA632-YDI-KS and CFA632-YDI-KU) changed from STN to double negative (FFSTN) LCD for improved appearance.
- Firmware revision to match hardware revision and is now displayed on the boot screen
Reason: Improvements in design allow for better manufacturing, ESD protection, and appearance. Impact: The new version is designed to be Fit, Form, and Function compatible with previous versions of the CFA632 series. Semi-Custom and Defined Parts will have updated part numbers. Recommendation: Engineering samples should be available by the end of Quarter 1, 2011. Please send an email to to work with our engineering and support team to assist you with the migration. Availability: Volume availability Second Quarter 2011. Price Change: No price change at this time Attachment: 632_Wide_Temp_PCN.pdf (244KB)