In order to keep this display in production over the long term, we are revising it to the CFAF240320A0-024SN-A1-2. Any backorders placed now will be fulfilled with the new part when it becomes available. Please contact with any questions.
2.4" Sunlight Readable EVE TFT Development Kit
Part Number: CFAF240320A0-024SN-A1-2
This full 2.4" EVE development kit includes everything needed to demonstrate either the 2.4" EVE module or the 2.4" standalone display. Simply plug the Seeeduino to power and supply 3.3V to the EVE Breakout Board to initiate a demonstration on the display.Some special features:
- Graphics accelerating FT811 chip for easy graphics control
- Sunlight Readable (850 nits)
- SPI interface
- IPS (can be viewed from any direction)
- Full-color TFT Display
- Seeeduino demo kit running a demonstration program
- EVE chip that supports the display and audio functionality
- 2.4" EVE module
- Seeeduino
- 30-Pin flat flex cable
- EVE breakout board
- Necessary jumper wires
- Necessary header pins
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Part Change Notice #11100: Board Revision