FAQ: Product Update and Change Notifications
Change notifications come in two forms: PCN and PUN. PCN stands for Product Change Notification. PUN stands for Product Update Notification.
Official Definitions
Product Change Notification (PCN) – Change to existing product form, fit or function, and is deemed significant enough for customer notification.
Product Update Notification (PUN) – Changes to product that do not affect fit, form or function but the company has been determined the customer should get an update for.
Crystalfontz PCN and PUNs are issued via email or RSS to let customers know that something on the part will be changing, and how we are addressing that change.
Change Notifications and New Product Bulletins
- All notifications and new product announcements are posted on this page.
- For new product listings only, please see the new products page.
How to Find Part Change Notices (PCNs) on a Product Page
New products listed on this page will not typically have any product change notifications. Here are the associated PCNs for the Crystalfontz CFA533 module. The PCN information is located at the bottom of the page.
How Do I Sign Up For Product Change Notifications?
There are a few ways to be added to a notification list for a part.
- Add the part to your cart and purchase. You are automatically subscribed to PCN notifications when you purchase a module unless you uncheck the PCN box in the shopping cart. The email address you use during checkout will receive the PCN notice.
- From this page, you can click the email icon, or RSS icon next to the specific part you want notices for, then enter your email address.
- From any product page, if you scroll down to the Product Notices section, you can click the email icon or RSS icon and subscribe.
- For RSS notifications, copy the RSS url into whatever RSS subscription service/product you use.
Our knowledgeable and friendly support team is here to answer any questions you may have about Part Change Notifications or about any of our display modules for your project.